After leaving the British Library, it was a short walk to the Euston train station to catch a ride to Manchester to visit the John Rylands Library. Dr. Julianne Simpson was on holiday so I arranged to meet with Rebekah Lunt of Reader services.
On arrival, I foolishly decided to walk to “see” the town on route.
I got lost and called a cab at a coffee house. The cab took me to an university library, not John Rylands. So I hustled to a Main Street and tried hailing NYC style. One civilian car went by shaking his head, suggesting I’d never find a cab ( or something so I grinned and remained hopeful). But one finally picked me up and I made it to the Proper library by 4:30. I had a charming but brief conversation with Rebekah. She will share it with Julianne Simpson when she returns. I regret losing time. Rylands had an exhibit of Exploring the Gothic. Look at the kind of stuff I missed!?!