Category: Addendum

Updating the story of Genesis with contemporary science.

Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig gives Shelf mark 01E-2014-36!

From Almuth Marker: “I’m glad to write you, that your donation “Addendum” of the Gutenberg bible was accepted by the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. It’s now part of the staff of special collections, it got the following shelf mark: 01E-2014-36. The complete catalogue entry you can see here: You can find it not only in our catalogue, but also in the…

Bodmer Museum accepts Ed 24: “Bravo for the marathon through the institutions in possession of a ‘Gutenberg'”

This email note from Nicolas Ducimetiere, Vice-Directeur of Fondation Martin Bodmer: “L’exemplaire n° 24 de votre « Addentum » m’a bien été remis par notre collaborateur Ugo Rodriguez et je vous en remercie vivement. J’ai pu suivre, grâce à votre site web, les différentes étapes de votre périple : bravo pour ce marathon à travers les institutions en possession d’une…

Gutenberg Museum accepts Addendum Ed 5 & 6!

Delighted to receive this email from Dr. Schutt-Kehm in Mainz, Germany where Johannes Gutenberg printed his bibles in the 1450’s! Dear Ms. Wightman, Dr. Annette Ludwig, director of the Gutenberg-Museum, was very delighted with the beautiful gift you gave to our Museum, and she was enthralled by the creative idea behind your work. So it is with great pleasure that…