--after school snack
Part of the Dumbo Arts Festival
September 24-26, 2010
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Materials: Molasses Cookies, nails
No more vinyl letters for the landfill. This editable art becomes you.
Artists as comestibles; artists as baked goods. That's 27 dozen cookies (just itching to find their way inside viewer heads, or elbows, or endoplasmic reticulum). Eat out your favorite artist (It's thermogenic, it's hot!). Don't be afraid. Art Intimacy. Art feeds you. Consume and share in the Cycling Carbon Collective (CCC). Bust those C-C bonds and make new bonds (conceptual, political, analytical, sociological, biological, metaphorical, anarchical, emotional, chemical). Come change the art landscape, and be changed. It's guaranteed to fuel your next move.
"Metabolism", afterall, is derived from the Greek for "change," or "overthrow." It's the science of matter and mattering. And this time, it comes in the form of a mild-mannered cookie.
This is hands-on utopia. Carbon as coefficient of art. Just before Surrealism devoured and digested Dada, Tristan Tzara and Marcel Duchamp were sitting at my grandma's kitchen table eating her molasses cookies. Mouth-full, Tristan said to my grandmother: "thought is made in the mouth." When I heard that story (my grandma was so cool), it made me re-live a Nicolas Bourriaud paraphrased parenthetical tangent: "(After all, reality is nothing other than the passing result of what we do together, as Marx put it)."